Mohammad Mahdi Afshar

Software developer, gamer, AI & ML enthusiast, and a lifelong learner.

you can find-out about me, my works and things I would be interested in here, i might write helpful articles and tutorials here too.

About Mohammad Mahdi Afshar

I am a 22-year-old software developer, gamer, AI & ML enthusiast, and lifelong learner.

My passion for computers began at a very young age, and I started coding professionally when I was 16. This gives me over 6 years of experience in software development.

As someone who loves computers, it's no surprise that I'm also a gamer. I spend a lot of my time playing video games, especially First Person Shooters and MMO/RPG games.

I'm a big fan of movies and books, particularly in the Sci-Fi genre. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and have a natural curiosity about the future and the potential of AI and ML to change the world. I've been learning about AI and ML for some time now and strive to deepen my knowledge every day.

I am always eager to learn new things and constantly seek new challenges.

Surprisingly, I never studied any computer-related discipline at university. Instead, I am currently pursuing Language Translation Studies and have self-taught everything I know about software development. I'm proud of not wasting time on things I could learn better on my own.

Unlike many developers, I started with the Lua scripting language, then moved on to PHP. From there, I quickly transitioned to JavaScript and TypeScript, and eventually discovered Golang. Since then, I have primarily focused on Golang and use Python for AI-related work, which I thoroughly enjoy.

Latest Publications

can be youtube videos, blog posts, tweets, or anything else.

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ways to Get in touch with Mohammad Mahdi Afshar

well, the best way would be email, but you can also text me, or find me on social media.

you can find me on the following social media platforms:

you can text me at +1 (856) 362 4028 or send me an email at me [at] mamad [dot] dev